News release: Friends of the Halifax Common distributed a three-question survey to Halifax Peninsula MLA electoral candidates and political party leaders to determine their commitment to the passage of an ‘Act to Protect the Halifax Common’ similar to the one protecting the Dartmouth Common, as well as two additional questions on future parking garages and on a commitment to reduce and re-naturalize existing parking spaces on the Common.

Today the Nova Scotia Action Coalition for Community Well-Being is launching a new video campaign. The Policy Not Charity Campaign calls on Nova Scotians to make different political choices and to elect politicians who have the courage to implement progressive public policy to end poverty.

Media release: Eddie Nalon died alone in a segregation cell in Millhaven Institution located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada on August 10th 1974. A year later, Prisoners’ Justice Day (PJD) was first observed by imprisoned people held in the same Canadian federal penitentiary who engaged in a one-day hunger and work strike in support of their demands to end solitary confinement and other injustices behind bars. Since then, PJD has been marked by people inside and outside prison walls across the world.

News release: Mi’kmaw Grandmothers and members of the grassroots “Save Owls Head” movement will be hosting a rally at Victoria Park in Halifax on August 7 at 1:00 PM, calling on Nova Scotian voters to protect our provincial land and parks at the ballot box.

News release: You’re invited to celebrate Prisoner Justice Day on August 10th at the Halifax Commons. On this day every year, incarcerated and formally incarcerated people take the day to fast while prisoner justice advocates take the tie to discuss the significance of the day and what the current prison system has done and is doing and ways we can help.