PSA” An international day of action has been called for Saturday, March 30 to protest NATO and specifically to defend Venezuela against foreign interference by the U.S., Canada and other NATO members and allies.

PSA: On Thursday January 24 the Sudanese community in Nova Scotia is organizing a demonstration supporting peaceful protests in Sudan. As some of you might know, for over a month Sudanese people has taken to the streets in Sudan peacefully protesting and requesting the end of the vicious dictatorial regime that has been in power for 30 years. 

As a rule we focus on local stories in the Nova Scotia Advocate, but we gladly break that rule for this article by María José Yax-Fraser on the desperate situation in Guatemala and how Canada should act in defence of all those who are struggling to maintain the rule of law there.

Based on an invite to a retreat for senior students there really isn’t much hope that the Shambhala organization learned anything from the Sakyong Mipham mess. The invite describes how the Monarch Retreat includes “receiving and practicing a heart transmission from His Majesty the Kongma Sakyong II (yet another title for Mipham) and a specially-designed Monarch Retreat shrine with a full portrait of the Sakyong.

Last year’s tribute concert was award-nominated, so you definitely need to be there for the 2019 show! With Reeny Smith and Owen O’Sound Lee (directing and performing)

“Can we just race down the highway? Rob a bank? Steal from a store? Of course not. How then can the government pass legislation that is against our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?” Danny Cavanagh on legislating postal workers engaged in rotating strikes back to work.