With Labour Day around the corner, Professor David Frank introduces an essay by the great J.B. McLachlan on the ideal preacher. McLachlan, known first and foremost through the Cape Breton coal miner strikes, is Nova Scotia’s most important labour leader, and he is on fire here.

“In a word, the “Ideal Preacher” is not a soothsayer. “He stirreth up the people,” for which he may get hanged some day, but if he gets his way the disinherited will refuse to remain disinherited.”

A poem by Angela “Angee” Bowden, to remember that this month 400 years ago slaves first arrived in North America.

When the past is my present
And my scars still remain
And our lives still don’t matter
I am living in that pain

The United Nations Human Rights Committee is considering the case of Abdilahi Elmi, the former child refugee who Canada wants to deport to Somalia, one of the most dangerous countries in the world. This presents a glimmer of hope for Elmi, but it is crucial that the public continues to pressure politicians, El Jones tells the NS Advocate.