Last week Mi’kmaw Water Protectors traveled to Antigonish to confront politicians attending the annual meeting of the provincial Liberals about federal efforts to accommodate the Alton Gas Project. Sadie Beaton explains what is going on. Video by Eliza Knockwood included

At last night’s screening of My Week on Welfare in Dartmouth, g=human rights lawyer Vince Calderhead talked about how the much-hyped transformation did not at all make things better for people on income assistance and his fear that special needs allowances will be next.

He also tackles the subject of tactics, don’t waste your time trying to convince bureaucrats, he says.

Lots of people got angry when the provincial government announced it set aside $80 million in support of a new building for the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. Healthcare is in crisis, they say, and spending money on something as unnecessary and luxurious as art at this time is a very bad idea. To further explore why art matters from a societal point of view, and indeed functions as a major economic engine all on its own, I met with writer and St. Mary’s University Art Gallery director Robin Metcalfe, who has thought deeply about these matters.