Just last week it was announced that the AGNS acquired kent Monkman’s large painting, Miss Chief’s Wet Dream, featuring Jesus Christ, Queen Victoria, Marie Antoinette, as well as Miss Chief Testickle, Monkman’s gender-fluid alter ego. This weekend’s video celebrates that acquisition, and I also use it to plug the wonderful Monkman exhibition up now, and running til mid-December, and especially also a collective viewing this Thursday evening organized by MLA Lisa Roberts. Thursday nights are free at the AGNS.

Delighted to present Vision, a poem by Heidi Mitton, one of the poems we selected as the result of our call for poems earlier this year. In her short bio she quotes Alice Walker, “Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution and the raising of consciousness.” We agree, and believe that’s precisely why among our op-eds and stories about poverty, racism, and inclusion the poems we publish are entirely an excellent fit.

Tony Seed on this year’s U.S.-led “Halifax International Security Forum” (HISF), referred to by many as the Halifax War Conference, taking place on November 16-18. An anti-war rally will be held to protest it on November 17. First of a series of investigative articles and reports to be written by Tony on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the HISF.

The Mi’kmaq often refer to Black Ash wood as white gold: It’s the perfect material for basket-making, but now that the Emerald Ash Borer has arrived on the east coast, the Black Ash is in danger of disappearing entirely in Nova Scotia. Quentin Kerr investigates these new threats to the Black Ash tree, and how Mi’kmawey Forestry, imbued with the spirit of Netukulimk, is doing what it can to preserve the species.

Uranium levels at the Harrietsfield Elementary School are seven times over the provincial guidelines, and kids aren’t supposed to drink tap water there. Understandably parents are very concerned. Rebecca Hussman, who has been covering the issue for the NS Advocate for years now, went to a public meeting to find out the latest. Scary stuff…