Environmentalists have long argued that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is not only an urgent and critical necessity for our planet’s survival, it’s also good for the economy. Now a new report by the Ecolgy Action Centre quantifies these benefits. It’s an excellent piece of work, and very necessary to help focus the discussion we need to have. However, the report does not go far enough in terms of environmental justice and tackling the dominance of car culture.

Letter: Minister Keith Colwell has come out as one of the biggest supporters of multinational corporations seeking massive expansions of open net pen salmon farms. A Marine Protected Area would most likely restrict the establishment of salmon farms in the pristine harbours along the Eastern Shore.The pesticides, food and fecal waste from fish farms could destroy the lobster fishery and the quality of any harvests from the area.

I interviewed Joan Baxter, author of The Mill, and all round excellent reporter. We talked to Joan about bringing her African experience to Nova Scotia, what’s good and not so good about journalism here, the dangers of too much skepticism, the walls governments build around information, why give up your weekend to sit behind a computer, and much more. “That’s the very long story about how I got to be old and cranky,” Baxter said.

On May 23, 2019 John Perkins was falsely accused by a multinational gold mining corporation of creating a disturbance at a public meeting, then violently arrested. Now John has filed a lawsuit against Atlantic Gold and the RCMP. Here is how you can help.