Environmentalists have long argued that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is not only an urgent and critical necessity for our planet’s survival, it’s also good for the economy. Now a new report by the Ecolgy Action Centre quantifies these benefits. It’s an excellent piece of work, and very necessary to help focus the discussion we need to have. However, the report does not go far enough in terms of environmental justice and tackling the dominance of car culture.

A recent CCPA report counts the ways current labour legislation fails to address needs of workers in the province. Provisions pertaining to standard hours of work, overtime pay, vacation, minimum wage, and statutory holidays are especially weak, writes Lisa Cameron.

Letter: Minister Keith Colwell has come out as one of the biggest supporters of multinational corporations seeking massive expansions of open net pen salmon farms. A Marine Protected Area would most likely restrict the establishment of salmon farms in the pristine harbours along the Eastern Shore.The pesticides, food and fecal waste from fish farms could destroy the lobster fishery and the quality of any harvests from the area.

You may think that abortion access in Nova Scotia has improved in the last few years. People trying to access pregnancy termination, along with the advocates and health care workers who support them, tell a different story. Laura Slade reports.

Sheri Lecker of Adsum for Women and Children writes about gaps in the response to hurricane Dorian. “The storm’s adverse effects aren’t just arbitrary. They are most impactful on those of us with the fewest resources. It’s not just luck of the draw. While climate change promises to unleash increasing weather events like Dorian upon us, we need to better prepare for our community’s most vulnerable.”