Halifax City outside workers, members of CUPE Local 108, rallied in front of City Hall to tell the city to get back to the bargaining table, revoke a lock-out notice, and stop chipping away at their pensions. Current city proposals dealing with workers’ pensions are simply unacceptable, the union says.

“Sobeys regrets that this matter has taken so long to come to a conclusion.” That’s the best Sobeys can come up with in terms of apology in a recent racial profiling case. By skillfully exploiting flaws in Human Rights legislation Sobeys almost got away with racism. Good thing Ms. Andrella David and the residents of Upper Hammonds Plains had other ideas.

Our series ‘Lives on Welfare’ continues. Here Joe, one the most gentle and soft spoken people I know, talks about becoming the target of a verbal attack by a Community Services employee. Being treated disrespectfully by Community Services staff and feeling powerless as a result is another common theme in the stories people on welfare tell.