Join us on Saturday, January 25th at 2pm at Victoria Park to condemn the U.S. terrorist attacks against Iran & Iraq. Let the Trump Administration know that we do not support another war. Let our Canadian elected officials know that Canada needs to stand up against any acts of war and be a voice of peace.

“To the likes of Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland the relationship with a tyrannical white supremacist president is more important than human rights and democracy. US officials are saying they just took out the world’s number one bad guy, but let me tell you, that guy is sitting right there in the White House.”

A well attended meeting in downtown Halifax called for an end to US (and Canadian) war efforts in the middle East.

On Thursday, January 2, 2020 the US bombed Iraq’s Baghdad international airport, killing an Iranian General and Iraqi military leader, sparking instability in the region and inching the world closer to another disastrous war in the Middle East.

Judy and I and our two sons have fought our entire lives against all forms of discrimination, racial and anti-Semitic. And we have paid for it. During one incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan in Toronto where we organized resistance, somebody broke into our apartment and painted anti-Jewish slogans on the walls. My bruises from confronting white supremacists have healed. But, even in my 70s, I am still willing to challenge hatred and bigotry wherever I find it. Disappointingly, several of the attacks have come from the institutional Jewish organizations that felt uncomfortable with our criticism of Israeli policies and actions.