Danny Cavanagh, president of the NS Federation of Labour, reflects on workers’ safety on the anniversary of the New Waterford mine disaster,101 years ago. “It’s time to ensure that laws like the Westray Bill are actually enforced, and to enact policies and legislation that are more than “feel-good” laws that remain nothing more than good talking points for politicians.”

EL Jones interviewed by Talking Radical’s Scott Neigh, on prisons, the Black Power Hour, how to organize, and the responsibilities that brings. “You cant’ back off when it’s hard and and say this is too hard, I am really tired now. You have to be in it for the long haul. You have to commit. You can always walk away and they can’t. You have to be there. They’re in such a vulnerable situation, and you have this power when you’re on the outside. You really have to make these strong commitments and follow through on them.”

A dispute about garbage in a Halifax park very quickly degenerates into a hateful diatribe full of racist and Islamophobic tropes. In Nova Scotia we have been spared the headline-producing Islamophobia we have seen elsewhere in Canada, for now. But it’s here, just below the surface.  

Evelyn C. White reflects on a visit to the Black Loyalist Heritage Centre in Birchtown. “The full sweep of my thoughts on the matter have yet to unfold. But I believe that everything happens for a reason; that in a province burdened with horrific racial strife, the stark shadow of a pit “house” against the recent burst of hipster eateries in Halifax is worthy of examination. There is merit in the enterprise.”